Long Valley Raiders
League: American League
Division: Central Division
Team Initials: LVR
Micro Manager:
Owner Name: Wally Bender
All Time Record: 2015 - 2016, 320-329, .493 (Playoffs: 2-4, .333)
Contract Status: 0/130 Total Years (0 Long Term / 0 Short Term)
Trophy Case: 
5+ Years In League 2015 AL Central Division Winner 2015 Inaugural Member  

Trade History
Trans Num Trade Date Details
2016.40    2016-11-06    Little Rock trades Yovani Gallardo to Long Valley for J.J. Hardy.   
2016.43    2016-11-06    Long Valley trades Blake Swihart to Ozark for OZA 2017 #6.   
2016.46    2016-11-06    Long Valley trades Justin Bour to Somerville for SOM 2017 #6.   
2016.35    2016-11-04    Springfield trades Kelby Tomlinson to Long Valley for LVR 2017 #16.   
2016.25    2016-05-29    Omaha trades Dexter Fowler, Drew Hutchison, and Dustin Garneau to Long Valley for John Lackey, Marlon Byrd, and Jason Castro.